Now emailmanager helps you benchmark your campaigns!

Published in 04 de abril de 2014

email marketing quality campaign

Starting today we will evaluate all campaigns sent (current and sent in the past) vs similar campaigns from all of our customers around the globe. In doing so we can give you concrete information on the quality of your emails, you'll be able to know exactly where you stand in and how that impacts your delivery rate.

How it works

Each campaign sent is analyzed individually and receives a grade, which can range from A+ to E. The grades are defined according to the positive and negative metrics that generate your campaigns (always according to email marketing's best practices). Because we didn't want this to be another arbitrary measuring system, we compare those metrics with those of our clients around the world.

We then average the quality of the last 10 campaigns sent, so you will see an overall assessment of your overall performance. Therefore, if you couldn't manage to achieve an awesome grade on one email campaign, don't worry, because it will be balanced with the rest of your actions.

his benchmarking systems will allow you to learn more about the quality of your campaigns and how they impact their deliverability results, be that on a negative or positive way.

We hope you like this improvement and, most of all, that it serves you as another optimization tool in you email marketing strategy!