How to improve the reputation when you send email marketing? - Part I

Published in 27 de marzo de 2015

When we started looking for a job at some point we feel in a position like “I don’t have a job because I lack experience or I have no experience because I can’t find a place to work”. Before you think we left the subject we propose for the blog, let's get right to the point: the reputation of a sender of email marketing campaigns goes through a process similar to looking for a job.

When you have a bad reputation and want to do something to improve it, it’s easy to feel at a dead end. For example, your emails are not delivered because your reputation is not good, but you can’t improve it, since your messages don’t reach the recipient's inbox.

At first, it may seem an unsolved problem, but when your reputation through the domain to send email marketing is in the game, there is always a way to get it back. However, this may take some time and you may have to make decisions nobody wants to take. Here comes a light: change the domain and create a new account to redeem your reputation, as well as a digital whiteboard.

Domain exchange is an option?

One of the solutions applied to solve this problem is to exchange domain. This, however, can bring some implications. If your company is small, there won’t have so many consequences. However, if you are part of a large company, you’ll probably have a higher cost and a decision-making, which take more time in an already rigorous procedure itself.

So it’s important to note that this solution is not the ideal one. This is an alternative way. We will explain why with an example. Imagine that you are a bad driver. You start in second gear, hang with the hand brake on every corner and like to run against other cars. In this situation, the most likely hypothesis is that your car will self-destruct in record time. Change domain is equivalent to change cars in an attempt to improve your way of driving. If you don’t solve the main problem, in this case the way you drive, you’ll probably end up with a pole in front of you, regardless of the type of car you have.

What you need to know is that a bad reputation is the result of bad practices when sending email marketing. So the same way you can improve it, you can also ruin it even faster if you're not careful. In one fell swoop everything can go down the drain. This is true if the domain is kept or if a new one is created.

A new domain is more exposed, because it doesn’t have formed a reputation yet. This way, email servers will handle any new message like new and suspect. A sending with few interactions, many errors and an extraordinary amount will direct your campaigns immediately to the spam box.

Or is it better a known domain?

If we convinced you to not change domain, it’s important you know that building a good reputation is something that takes time and dedication. So let’s see how to do it step by step:

1. Implement rigorous methods to incorporate new contacts on your list;

2. Target your sending in different types of content according to what you have to offer and allows the user to choose what is interesting for him or her;

3. Always be direct and specific about the type of communication (frequency and content);

4. Remove the inactive contacts (all that has been inactive for the past six months, a period which can vary depending on the frequency and type of delivery, should be considered a risk);

5. Keep an eye opened on the reports looking for signs of trouble. Follow this guide to simplify this step in minutes.

If you follow these steps to the letter, you will see how metrics will improve as well as the overall rating of the database and the email delivery. Don’t worry if you can’t hit the expected metrics in your first “clean” sending. Take your time and give a chance to this practice.

The most important point we want to highlight in this article is that you should enjoy the tips above as an opportunity to test and track, subsequently, the effects on the delivery of your email marketing campaigns, sending few messages, but efficient ones. And this information comes from a sender of only 500 emails per month, but that has 114% of interactions.

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