6 successful email marketing strategies for your business

Published in 16 de octubre de 2013

successful email marketing strategies

You probably know that most of the Internet users possess email accounts? In addition, many of them use Social Networks not only at work but also as an entertainment at home. 

According to a survey carried out by Ipos, 85% of respondents admit, that: Email is the primary communication channel between companies and customers. But, as a professional, do I know how to take advantage of this research? If you are not sure, read the following article: 

  • Stand out from the crowd! 

Yes, that's right, you need to be different from your competitors. Otherwise, you will be just like them – another player on the market that does not bring any innovation! Show that you can do better! Communicate with your clients, in a way that they will like and will make them interact by clicking a link, visiting your site and buy your product.

  • Think that every client is UNIQUE 

Every day we receive hundred of emails. Most of them we just ignore and delete without even reading. You can be sure that your clients do the same – delete most of the emails they receive straight to the trash folder. But as a company, our aim is to make the clients read our emails. How to do it? Let's treat them unique and communicate with them directly. Customize your emails, offers, news that your customers may be interested in! Get to know your customers!

  • Friendship with metrics 

Do you know what metrics are? We have already talked about them in our blog: "How to measure open rate and click rate?" The metrics will help you to define your mailing list and get to know who does and who does not open your emails. Make sure you organize your contact list well and delete contacts that never interacted with your campaigns. By doing so, you will be surprised how effective your email marketing campaigns can be.

  • Campaign frequency 

Do you want to create a newsletter, promotional email and send them to your customers, or to those that you want to acquire? Create a campaign and send it to your contacts. But there are some recommendations that you should remember, like: customize your promotional email according to your customer base. As long as you have right content you can send it up to 5-7 times per week. But remember...good content is king! On the other hand, if you are planning to send a newsletter, the ideal frequency is about one email per week. But, do not forget, that in this case your content is very important too!

  • Communication goal 

Another important thing you should not forget while planning email marketing campaigns is: your goal. Make sure you know what you want to tell to your audience and emphesize it in your email. Your client needs to understand why you send this particular email to him and what you want from him! If your goal is to sell a product/service, make your clients feel like they want to buy it! Create long-lasting relationship with them by sending clear and well organized emials. 

  • Less means more

Your email has to be light, without any unnecessary images, code or content. After all, it has to go through the antispam filter and with too many images it will be sent straight to the Junk box. Bear in mind, that about 44% of people who read e-mail marketing emails are connected to mobile devices. Therefore, try to optimize your campaigns for both platforms: computers and smartphones. 

After a few tips mentioned above, you can (or rather should) think seriously about mass emails as a chance of increasing your sales or/and brand awarness of the product/service.

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