Find out which images drive more clicks to your email marketing

Published in august, 11 of 2015

You may have heard a classic saying that “a picture is worth a 1000 words”, right? This really works if you know how to choose the right image to compose your email marketing campaign. As well as an outstanding design with great content, the image must be relevant and carry the message your company wants to show.

To help you in this task, we'll show 4 types of images that can’t be missed and where you can find them, in more than 10 sources. If you don’t know where or how to start or even you are in search of new ideas or inspirations, this article is for you.

1) Graphics and infographics

To portray statistics, data and complex reports with graphics or infographics are a great alternative to capture the reader's attention and facilitate understanding. Moreover attractive visual information is presented more clearly and concisely through key points, making up the more dynamic reading of a daily basis.

On the web, you can find several online tools that do the work for free, not requiring deep knowledge in design or a creative team at your disposal.

The offers themes, besides ready and intuitive templates and options to customize it the way you want. Everything can be personalized, text, images, background, file name and the objects inserted in the infographic. Once ready, you can embed it in a blog post, share on social networks or save as JPEG.

The acts as a repository comprising a number of infographics ready to inspire your creations. You can edit them or create new ones. One option is to use the volume of data from your Twitter or Facebook for a custom image about you or the pages that you administer. Then just save a PDF and share.


The Piktochart offers more than infographics. You can even define other formats before you start, as a report, banner or presentation. There are free themes and others included in plans you can hire. Just pick the one you want and customize it according to your imagination. Saving the file is one of the facilities. This is done automatically.

The, unlike the others, is aimed for graphics, from the most traditional to the pizza and bar style. Simply and quickly, you can upload computer data, customize and add videos, photos and links. You can also work with tables and numbers, including Excel data, and invite people to form a team.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets is another tool focused to turn data into graphics. This one requires a little more knowledge in design, if you want to create something visually beautiful as well as informative.

2) Screenshots

If the idea of the ​​email marketing campaign is to highlight some new product functionality, for example, or even a tutorial, screenshots emerge as the best option. Rather than simply explain the way, why not show it? So when you put the learning into practice, readers will know exactly what to do.

Everyone knows that to capture a screenshot of your computer you should just use the “Print Screen” on your keyboard, right? Ok, nothing new here, but if you want a “snapshot” of the entire screen, there are some applications that can help you.

Awesome Screenshot

The Awesome Screenshot is an extension that serves to Chrome, Firefox and Safari. You can capture the whole screen or just parts of it and download it directly to your computer. Then just place the image in your email marketing. This option also applies if you want to create a gallery for all email layouts that were sent.


The PlaceIt has the same function, capture screenshots and add them to a variety of screen sizes. This is important for a time that the mobile has as much or more weight than desktop when it comes to accessing the email. There are several set options, and the process to insert it into the campaign is the same.

3) Photos

Depending on the chosen image to your email marketing campaign, you can instigate the emotion of your reader and still get him or her to click on the message sent. Pictures of food, for example, arouse the appetite and interest in making reservations at the restaurant which offers the appetizing menu. Trips can also be very well used visually. Photos of beaches, ski resorts, mountains, natural beauty, all are always an inviting for those already with the luggage ready for a break from work. Images combined with clothes, showing a complete look for a particular station stir with the fashionistas imagination.

Your imagination is the limit when creating a campaign, and to enable this visual there are several images on the web that may have that picture you are looking for.


The Pixabay brings a very miscellaneous collection of public images, including photos, vectors and even drawings. There are four size options for free download, or a cup of coffee.

Death to the Stock Photo

The site Death to the Stock Photo has a number of both free images, such as paid. By signing the newsletter, you are eligible to a monthly package images without any cost.


The Gratisography has a collection of high resolution images of Ryan McGuire photographer. They’re divided into categories and are free to download, or you can pay a cup of coffee.

IM Free

Another source of free images is the IM Free. There are photos, vector images and videos available for commercial use, including templates for websites.


The Picjumbo has a set of photos and illustrations in high resolution from Vicktor Hanacek, the website’s creator. There isn’t a big variety compared to the others. The premium account is $ 6.


The Unsplash offers amazing and breathtaking images. If you subscribe to the free option, you will receive via email 10 new pictures every 10 days.


The Morguefile have free images and offers discount for credit packages for the iStock site. You can also use it to find visual options at the Getty, the Dreamstime and other websites.


With a collection of 47,000 free high-resolution photos sent by users or taken by photographers, the StockVault strongly encourages donations.

4) Icons

If you prefer to follow a clean visual style, a good option is to let the images aside and invest in more simple representations, but as effective as. The icons follow the same logic from that more dynamic reading and usual day to day as well as being an effective resource to highlight key points of a product, for example. This helps keep the reader's focus where you want.

On the web, there are several options of sites with icons that can be used free of charge.

The Noun Project

The Noun Project brings together a collection of free and paid icons, available for download. As well as sites with image banks, you can use the search to find the ideal representation for your email marketing campaign.


GraphicRiver works in a way somewhat different from the other sources cited in this post. It's like a marketplace for professional designers. There they can sell the icons created by them at minimum prices, which include $ 1 to $ 10.


The web is full of sources that can be used to enrich the look of your email marketing campaign. There are sites for all tastes and pockets, the ones that offer images and icons for free to those who ask for payment or even donations to those who wish to help. Regardless of your preference, if you choose the right image, relevant to the content and that causes an emotional reaction from your reader, you will see the click through rate rise.

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